To the presidents of affiliated scholarly societies:

 Dear colleagues,

 As was decided at the Villa Real meeting, candidates for hosting ICHoLS XV must send a declaration of intent to host in advance of the conference so that a vote can take place at the General Assembly of ICHoLS XIV.

The declaration of intent can be in the form of a simple email; the full proposal and provisional budget will only be required at the General Assembly, where the vote will take place.

Please send your proposals to the organizers of ICHoLS XIV before 31 May 2017 to ichols14@sciencesconf.org.

 With all best wishes,

 For the organizers of ICHoLS XIV

 Emilie Aussant, director of the CNRS laboratory Histoire des Théories Linguistiques

Jean-Michel Fortis, president of the Société d'Histoire et d'Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage

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