ICHoLS history

This series of international conferences, inaugurated in Ottawa in 1978, has since taken place alternately in Europe (Lille, Trier, Galway, Oxford, Paris, Potsdam, Saint Petersburg, Vila Real) and in the Americas (Ottawa, Princeton, Washington, São Paulo & Campinas and Urbana-Champaign).

It is the most important platform for researchers working on the history of the language sciences, a field that is still expanding as can be attested by the number of scientific societies and the establishment of several specialized journals on the history of the language sciences. 


ICHoLS I: Ottawa (Canada), 28-31 August 1978
Progress in Linguistic Historiography: Papers from the International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences,  Ottawa,  28–31 August 1978. Edited by E.F.K. Koerner. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1980. [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 20]. ISBN 978 90 272 4501 4 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 8101 2 (e-Book). (view webpage

ICHoLS II: Lille (France), 2-5 September 1982

Matériaux pour une histoire des théories linguistiques = Essays toward a history of linguistic theories = Materialien zu einer Geschichte der sprachwissenschaftlichen Theorien. Actes du IIème Colloque ICHoLS, Lille 1982. Edited by Sylvain Auroux, Michel Glatigny, André Joly, Anne Nicolas, Irène Rosier-Catach. Villeneuve D'Ascq: Université de Lille 3 / Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1984 [Travaux et Recherches / UL3]. ISBN 2-86531-021-3. (view webpage

ICHoLS III: Princeton (USA), 19-23 August 1984

Papers in the History of Linguistics: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS III), Princeton, 19–23 August 1984. Edited by Hans Aarsleff, L.G. Kelly and Hans-Josef Niederehe. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 38]. ISBN ISBN 978 90 272 4521 2 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 8628 4 (e-Book). (view webpage

ICHoLS IV: Trier (Germany), 24-28 August 1987
History and Historiography of Linguistics: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), Trier, 24–28 August 1987. Volume 1: Antiquitity–17th Century. Edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe and E.F.K. Koerner. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1990 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 51:1]. ISBN ‪978 90 272 4541 0 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 7811 1 (e-Book). (view webpage

History and Historiography of Linguistics: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), Trier, 24–28 August 1987. Volume 2: 18th–20th Century. Edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe and E.F.K. Koerner. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1990 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 51:2]. ISBN ‪ 978 90 272 4542 7(Hardbound) / 978 90 272 7810 4 (e-Book). (view webpage

Speculum historiographiae linguisticae. Kurzbeiträge der IV. Internationalen Konferenz zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften (ICHoLS IV). Trier, 24.8.-27.8.1987. Edited by Klaus D. Dutz. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1989. ISBN 3-89323-204-4. (view webpage

ICHoLS V: Galway (Ireland), 1-6 September 1990
Diversions of Galway: Papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V. Edited by Anders Ahlqvist. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1992 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 68]. ISBN 978 90 272 4555 7 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 7722 0 (e-Book). (view webpage

ICHoLS VI: Washington, D.C. (USA), 9-14 August 1993
History of Linguistics 1993: Papers from the Sixth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS VI), Washington DC, 9–14 August 1993. Edited by Kurt R. Jankowsky. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1995 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 78]. ISBN 978 90 272 4565 6 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 7637 7 (e-Book).  (view webpage

ICHoLS VII: Oxford (United Kingdom), Keble College, 12-17 September 1996
History of Linguistics 1996: Volume 1: Traditions in Linguistics Worldwide. Edited by David Cram, Andrew R. Linn and Elke Nowak. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 94]. ISBN 978 90 272 4582 3 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 8382 5 (e-Book). (view webpage

History of Linguistics 1996: Volume 2: From Classical to Contemporary Linguistics. Edited by David Cram, Andrew R. Linn and Elke Nowak. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 95]. ISBN 978 90 272 4583 0 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 8381 8 (e-Book). (view webpage

ICHoLS VIII: Fontenay-St. Cloud (France), 14-19 September 1999
History of Linguistics 1999: Selected papers from the Eighth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, 14–19 September 1999, Fontenay-St. Cloud. Edited by Sylvain Auroux with the assistance of Joscelyne Arpin, Elisabeth Lazcano and Jacqueline Léon. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2003  [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 99]. ISBN 978 90 272 4588 5 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 9671 9 (e-Book). (view webpage

ICHoLS IX: São Paulo & Campinas (Brazil), 27-30 August 2002
History of Linguistics 2002: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, 27-30 August 2002, São Paulo - Campinas. Edited by Eduardo Guimarães and Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007  [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 110]. ISBN 978 90 272 4601 1 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 9224 7 (e-Book). (view webpage

ICHoLS X: Urbana-Champaign (USA), University of Illinois 1-5 September 2005
History of Linguistics 2005: Selected papers from the Tenth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHOLS X), 1–5 September 2005, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Edited by Douglas A. Kibbee. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007  [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 112]. ISBN 978 90 272 4603 5 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 9172 1 (e-Book). (view webpage

ICHoLS XI: Potsdam (Germany), 28 August – 2 September 2008 (view webpage)
History of Linguistics 2008: Selected papers from the eleventh International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XI), 28 August - 2 September 2008, Potsdam. Edited by Gerda Hassler with the assistance of Gesina Volkmann. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 115]. ISBN 978 90 272 4606 6 (Hardbound) / 978 90 272 8717 5 (e-Book). (view webpage). 

Nationale und transnationale Perspektiven der Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft. Beiträge zur XI. Internationalen Konferenz zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften (ICHoLS) — Potsdam, 28. 8. – 2. 9. 2008. Edited by Gerda Haßler. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 2011. ISBN 978-3-89323-298-7.
(view webpage

ICHoLS XII: Saint Petersburg (Russia), August 28 - September 2, 2011
History of Linguistics 2011: Selected papers from the twelfth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XII), 28 August - 2 September 2011, Saint Petersburg. Edited by Vadim Kasevich, Yuri A. Kleiner and Patrick Sériot, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 123].  ISBN 9789027246141 (Hardcover) / 9789027269775 (e-book). (view website)
ICHoLS XIII: Vila Real (Portugal), August 25 - August 29, 2014
History of Linguistics 2014: Selected papers from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), Vila Real, Portugal, 25–29 August 2014Edited by Carlos Assunção, Gonçalo Fernandes and Rolf Kemmler, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2016 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 126]. ISBN 9789027246172 (Hardcover) / 9789027266699 (e-book). (view website)

Tradition and Innovation in the History of Linguistics: Contributions from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), Vila Real, 25–29 August 2014
Edited by Carlos Assunção, Gonçalo Fernandes and Rolf Kemmler, Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 2016. ISBN: 978–3–89323–021–1. (view website)

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